Wednesday, August 29, 2018

Madge's Bachelorettepup Party – Story #9 Part 1 of 3 Parts

Story #9 Part 1– Madge's Bachelorettepup Party

Starring:  Scottish Terrier—Bonnie, Gordon, Archie, Madge, Onie-P (Fiona Paisley), O’Brian. Kelti,  Sawney.  Westie—Molly. Feline—Oreo, Raisin, Captain.

We have a Wedding in the future of the Adventuring Scotties! However, before the wedding, the babies have gone three different directions for the last ‘hurrahs’….and things are not going well.

Madge's Bachelorettepup Party    Part 1 of a Story in 3 Parts

Part 1) Madge's Bachelorettepup Party

It had been a glorious—but busy—three days with the Scotties & Associates visiting her canine crew while they were on Restriction for a prior adventure.

This third morning, Annie was quite proud of herself for having gotten the myriad of food bowls washed up as well as the water bowls cleaned and refilled with fresh water….and made it to work on time.

Now, this evening, Annie is distraught as she paces her bowless kitchen floor. The Scotties and Associates left today as planned—but her pups are missing!

She lists off what she knows, “No success tracking down Gus, Molly, and Sawney over the past few hours—they’re usually pretty easy to find! They were right here this afternoon when I was here during lunch.

“They were planning something! I just knew it! But I thought those extra snuggles with me were just because they had me to themselves again! I should’ve paid more attention to those side glances they were passing back and forth!

“Then I come home to this note from Sawney informing me Gus is on his way to Aunt Pat’s house! “ ( It seems O'Brian has been planning a little bachelorpup party for Archie. )

“The gentlemen ( ha! ) Scotties will be joining O'Brian and Gus there while the lady Scotties will meet somewhere else … but where? I just haven't been able to figure out where that ‘somewhere else’ is! And neither Mollie nor Sawney will call me back!”

Annie stops pacing; struck by a sudden thought…she rushes into the bedroom to look in the top drawer of the chest-of-drawers. Yep, gone, all the tablets and cell phones are gone from where she had stored them on Day One of Restriction.

“And neither Mollie nor Sawney will call me back…” Annie repeats in a plaintive tone. The she mutters to herself, “Aunt Pat, I sure hope you haven't made any plans for the next few days.”

Just then, Rrrrrrrriiiiiiiinnnnngggg, Rrrrrrrrriiiiiiiiinnnnnnngggggg!

Annie snatches up her cell phone from the kitchen table. She doesn’t recognize the number but takes the call anyway.

“Hello? Yes, this is she…

“You’re Animal Control Officer who?? From WHERE?

“Yes, I'm calm. No, only Sawney McCracken and Molly McGee are mine....

“Yes, I know how to get hold of the other parents…

“Yes sir, I and the others will be there first thing in the morning.

“Yes, thank you!”

Annie gets off the phone, stunned at first but then her brain kicks into high gear.

Group text to Scotty & Associates Mums / Dads:

I hate to be the one to tell you folks…but other than the little ones still in Australia with Aunt Des and the boys being with Aunt Pat, all of our girl Scotties are currently in Detroit…in the hood…where they’ve been picked up by Animal Control for prostitution!

From what the Detroit Animal Control Officer told me…they're all hysterical and crying:  Madge specifically.

And from what I've gathered, just prior to them getting picked up for being street-walkers, Madge had decided to visit Toto's Tiny Tattoo Shop where she got a big heart tattoo on her bum that says, "I want me some Archie-man. He's my Hunka Hunka Luv!"

The tattoo is hurting and may be infected…I need some help here Mums & Dads – who’s meeting me in Detroit?

Just after Annie gets the Group Text out, she finally gets a call from an agitated Molly. Annie immediately asks Molly if what the Animal Control Officer said about Madge was true. Molly says, ‘yes and that Madge is also very fearful her Mum will be very upset with her’.

Molly, worried, says, “Momma, Madge isn’t acting like herself and she keeps saying something about catnip being slipped to her at the last bar we all went into! What do we do, Momma?”

Annie, “Momma’s working on it, baby. Stay together!”

Thumbs flying over the miniature phone keyboard, Annie sends out another Group Text updating the group with the information given to her by Molly, adding:

Folks, I hate to point fingers but there's only one set of fur-babies traveling with our Scotties that have catnip….Aunt Nancy Jo, anything you can share with us here?

And since you Mums and Dads seem to be in denial—“Not my Scottie!” and I haven't heard anything back about meeting me in Detroit to bail out our street-walking girl Scotties, I’ll text Paula and Luz to meet me there—I sure hope one of you knows first aid since Madge has that new, and evidently infected, tattoo on her bum!

In the meantime, Nancy Jo and Elaine, you two see if the CAT Operatives can find the location of Archie’s Bachelorpup Party! The last thing Gus mentioned to me was that he was pretty excited about the Rat Rodeo they were going to attend, the Skydiving, and the Squirrel Round-Up.

I sure hope you two have good enough intel to figure out where they are! -- Whenever the boys go dark and stay on silent radio frequencies, it can never be good. Please advise ASAP!

And of course our littlest girls off on the holiday with Des and her rellies eating crabs on the beach. I sure hope they're being good for her…

Hold on everyone, Fiona Paisley is trying to FaceTime me…

Annie takes the FaceTime call and coos to her baby-girl in a sweet, syrupy voice:

"Hi Onie- P, are you being a good little girlfriend for Aunt Des? Oh, that's good to hear, sweetie! And have you been giving good kisses and being a good girl for everyone else? Oh, good! That’s my good little girl!

“What, darling? You need to ask me a question? What is it, sweetie?

Annie's voice loses some of its syrup...

“What?!…No, Onie-P, you cannot go to the beach naked! You have to wear your bikini!

“I don't care if Aunt Des and Bonnie told you it would be ok!

“I’ll talk to them and let them know that my little fur-girls HAVE to wear their bikinis!

“Ok? Ok! Now go have some fun! See you soon! Love you! Wear your bikini!"

Continued in Story #9 Part 2 of 3 Parts

Individual literary contributions to the Adventure Stories remain the property of the contributor; however, the contributor gives permission to ASMDSG to use the literary contributions as they apply to the story as a whole. ASMDSG retains the copyright of the stories as whole compilations. Adventure Stories cannot be reproduced in electronic or hardcopy format without written permission from a majority of the Board of Directors. Photographers (ASMDSG Members past & present) retain the copyright of original photography; however, photographers give permission to ASMDSG to use photographic contributions to the stories as they apply to the whole story. Artists retain the copyright of original artwork; however, artists give permission to ASMDSG to use artistic contributions to the stories as they apply to the whole story.

Tuesday, July 24, 2018

You Are On Restriction! -- Story #8

Story #8 – You Are On Restriction!

   Starring:  Scottish Terrier—Angus, Sawney, Onie-P (Fiona Paisley). Westie—Molly.

Each of the fur-folks are home from their wild adventurous party…exhilarated and laughing at how things turned out…now that they’re safe again. However, in at least one household, there are repercussions.

You Are On Restriction!

Our tale begins on a Thursday evening in a small town in Central Texas. Three Scottish Terriers and one Westie are receiving a very stern talking-to by their momma Annie.

Heads are down and ears back.

"Angus McGregor, Molly McGee, Sawney McCracken, Fiona Paisley—I’m very disappointed in every one of you for your parts in the party at Aunt Desley’s house!

“The first thing’s going to happen is that each of you are going to hand over to me your passports!

“The second thing is that each of you are going to turn over all cell phones, tablets, and computers!

“The third, there will be no carrots OR squirrel chasing for 3 days!

“And fourth, you will write a letter of thanks to Aunt Elaine for safely getting you home, AND a letter of apology to Aunt Des for messing up her house!

“Do I make myself clear?”

“Yes, Momma," they each say very meekly.

"Furthermore, there will be NO contact with the Adventuring Scotties and Associates family for 2 weeks," Annie says firmly with hands on hips.

Each furry heads drops a little lower....

"Letters in the morning. Now each of you, get to bed!"

The next morning, the foursome team up to compose suitable letters.

Dear Aunt Elaine,

Thank you very much for giving us a ride in that big helicopter. It was really cool how the pilot pulled us all out of there using those t-shirts!

We really hope we can do it again sometime--helicopter and all. It's just that, next time, we don't want to be in trouble.


Gus, Molly, Sawney, & Onie-P

“Ok guys, the easy letter’s done! This next one -- we’re going to have to work really hard to apologize…get that whole meek-ear tone going and everything. Especially considering WE didn’t really do anything wrong…” says Onie-P, acting as spokesperson for the team.

Dearest Aunt Des,

We wanted to write and say we're very sorry about the house.

Due to the sudden extraction plan, there was no time to clean up.

We know we did make a bit of a mess, but we had nothing to do with your lovely sofa catching fire…other than we did roast a few marshmallows on it.

Please forgive us. We will help pay for our small part of the damages.


Gus, Molly, Sawney, and Onie-P

A few days later, a reply came back from Aunt Elaine.

Darling Babies,

You are so welcome for the rescue! I'm just glad your Mom got in touch with me in time to convey the last-minute change of plans to the pilot!

And watching from the helio landing-cam, every one of you looked like little gymnasts as you dove into the t-shirts! Good job!

But in the future, always be careful at big parties like that – the host usually only wants a great party but sometimes things can get out of hand…errr, paw.


Aunt Elaine

There’s no response from Aunt Des -- unless it was the still smoldering empty envelope with the barely discernable address to Gus, Molly, Sawney & Onie-P.

“Ooohhhh, that doesn’t look good! Guess she’s pretty mad at us.”

After the first week of Restriction, the pups are getting restless.

6:15 am. Onie-P nuzzles her sleeping mother’s face. "Wake up, Momma, wake uppppp! We all need to go potttttttty—now! Please wake up”....lick, lick, lick.

With eyes barely open, Annie gets up and lets Onie-P, Gus, Molly, and Sawney out the back door--leaving it slightly ajar so the pups can come and go. Yawning, she goes back to bed.

7:30 am. Lick, lick, lick. “Momma, we're hungry. May we have breakfast now?"

Annie gets up again. Moving on auto-pilot, she heads to the kitchen, feeds the pups, and virtually sleep-walks back to bed. But, just before leaving the kitchen, she thinks she hears the sound of a camera swiveling as it tracks movement. She looks around but sees nothing. “Strange,” she thinks as she goes back to bed, “Could’a sworn I heard something.” Out loud she says, “Two more hours, babies. Momma needs another two hours sleep.”

Lightly cat napping thru the sounds of bowls scooting across the floor as the pups finish their morning kibble, Annie now feels the pups joining her in the bed again—coming up the little doggy stairs—stepping on and over her as they each find their favorite comfy spot.

During the next hour or so, she hears mumbling but thinks the pups are just talking low among themselves, not wanting to wake her up. "How sweet!" she thinks dreamily.

All of sudden, Annie is startled wide awake from a deep sleep when she realizes she is curled up into a tight ball and lying in the only space left available on the uppermost right top side of the bed!

"What the heck?" she exclaims as she sits up. Looking around on the bed, Annie sees there are a LARGE number of Scotties in bed with her! Bonnie, McKeeghan, Latte, Madge, Gus, Sawney, Onie-P, and others!

“What in the world?" Annie cries.

Just then, Annie hears the sound of a chopper overhead and next, a loud crash comes from the backyard. She leaps off the corner of the bed and runs outside. A multitude of Scotties jump from the bed and follow.

Annie scans the backyard quickly and sees the tops of three ladders leaned onto her back fence—with Scotties roiling over the top of the fence and lightly jumping down to the thick grass.

Through the three-inch gap at the bottom of the fence, Annie sees a fourth ladder lying prone on the ground. It was this ladder that caused the loud crash when it had fallen.

“All good, mum! No one’s hurt!” she hears as a stout, handsome black Scotty rushes by her.

And the chopper she heard from the bedroom was now overhead and lowering even more Scotties into the yard! And, as if things weren’t strange enough, not to be left out, there were a bunch of  Angel Scotties doing air-zoomies up above the chopper!

Felines Oreo and Cmdr Raisin, having leapt from the helicopter, deigning to use the slide-cable, are now reclining along the roof line. And Molly, the Westie, is sitting comfy on the deck chair observing the Scotty Invasion of her yard.

Then one of the Scotties hollers, “Aunt Annie!!!”

As if those two words were a signal, all of pups jump on Aunt Annie in a mob-fest!

Lick, lick, lick. Lick, lick, lick.    Scotty Flash mob!    Lick, lick, lick, Lick, lick, lick. Lick, lick, lick!  Lick, lick, lick. Lick, lick! Lick, lick, lick. Lick, lick. Lick, lick, lick. Lick, lick!

Annie finally comes up for air, saying, “Jock, Gus, Gordon, McKeeghan, Gerald, Apollo--sit down! Jolie, Cafe, Archie, Whiskey—sit down! All of you, sit! Now stay!”

After she's able to get everyone somewhat calmed down and settled. Annie asks in a bewildered voice, "What is going on? Why are all of you here? My pups are on restriction!”

Jolie, with a big Scotty grin, says, "Yeah, we heard they couldn't leave the house to come to us…BUT… you NEVER said WE couldn’t come to them!"

All the fur-folks arrooo’d, yipped, and meowed in happy agreement!

Exhausted, Annie sits down and shakes her head in disbelief….when the doorbell rings.

Mums / Dads everywhere… you know where your Scotties are?

Individual literary contributions to the Adventure Stories remain the property of the contributor; however, the contributor gives permission to ASMDSG to use the literary contributions as they apply to the story as a whole. ASMDSG retains the copyright of the stories as whole compilations. Adventure Stories cannot be reproduced in electronic or hardcopy format without written permission from a majority of the Board of Directors. Photographers (ASMDSG Members past & present) retain the copyright of original photography; however, photographers give permission to ASMDSG to use photographic contributions to the stories as they apply to the whole story. Artists retain the copyright of original artwork; however, artists give permission to ASMDSG to use artistic contributions to the stories as they apply to the whole story.

Friday, June 1, 2018

The Party at Desley’s House – Story #7

The Party at Desley’s House – Story #7

Story #7 – The Party at Desley’s House

   Starring:  Scottish Terrier—Bonnie, Gordon, Archie, Madge, Onie-P (Fiona Paisley), McKeeghan, Peanut, Sawney, Jock, Gus, Gwyn, Rebus, Café, Latte. Apolo, Gerard, Ivy, Jolie. Westie—Molly, Whiskey.  Feline—Oreo, Raisin, Sir Puss in Boots.

The Scotties and Associates head out for a Holiday free from the pesky restrictions it seems every Scotty Mum has. But, freedom gets a bit spicy and then heats right up into danger!

The Party at Desley’s House

Background information:  Desley, Australian Scotty Mum, is off on holiday for the next several days. Des "thinks" her precious Bonnie was dropped off at relative’s house to play with her cousin dogs until Mum returns. Bonnie has other ideas.

WELL….in Texas, Fiona, being as young as she is, doesn't yet understand when she’s "telling" Annie, her Scotty Mum, something….after all, she and Mum talk about everything! It seems Bonnie will be slipping back home tomorrow and has called to invite all the fur-babies to a party …. at Des’ house.

Annie watches as Fiona, Sawney, Molly, & Gus pack toys, kibble, and treats for their trip.

So, Scotty Mums and Dads….do you know where your fur-children are tonight?

Archie, Peanut and Whiskey are on a flight already. Gordon and Madge will be boarding a plane soon. What in the world is going to happen now?

Mums the word with the Nefarious Feline Prime, Oreo—she’s been called out on a highly secretive mission. NF Commander Raisin is ferrying Oreo to the drop point via the Baby Hornet—a favorite, high speed mode of transport. (Well, guess we know where she’s headed – with all the Royal Activity, she’s probably assisting with security. It’s certain Queen Madge will be in attendance, along with all her important dignitaries.)

Yes, Security—Oreo and her team will be running perimeter surveillance – no worries! The pups have promised to keep the party to a low roar. Oreo will provide her standard de-briefing for everyone upon return. No worries! She knows which side her bread is buttered on. However, she and Commander Raisin MAY indulge in an adult beverage – post party with the hosts. (Why is there a sinking feeling Auntie Veronica may be Involved with the adult beverage aspect?)

Archie, Whiskey, & Peanut are now at the Charles de Gaulle airport. During this stop over in France and before boarding for the next leg of the trip, Archie has to get the very long list of goodies Gordon asked him to bring! They're so excited to soon see their friends again...

Gwyn, Rebus, Café, and Latte have met up at LAX. Their flight is being announced when Gwyn says, "Oh, wait! Don't let the plane take off! I have to get a list of goodies for Gordon!" Café laughs, "Oh, so he called you too?! I'll go with you.” "Hold the plane!” the others shout!

McKeeghan is pretty excited--she's been practicing her dance moves! Can't wait to get there and no, she’s not bringing a cake. "Watch me whip! Watch me whip! See me nae-nae!”

Gus, being the mature responsible one, calls his Momma, Annie, from the San Francisco airport during their layover. "Hey, Momma! I just overheard Molly and Jock talking and I guess Auntie Veronica has hired some poodle strippers for the party! It has to be poodles because Scotties and Westies are too dignified to even consider it. Anyway, I heard she’s even had a pole installed in Auntie Desley's front room for them too! They said something about us tearing the roof off the place with our party. You know Momma, I'm a little worried. I don't want an international mug shot—having a mug shot in the US is embarrassing enough! You remember that time me, my sisters, and cousins all got arrested down in Houston for driving an illegal vehicle? Yeah, on our way to the Garth Brooks concert! You were so mad when you had to come bail us out. Oops, gotta run, Momma! They’re calling our flight!" Gus ends the call and dashes over to join the others.

"B-b-b-but Gus, but-but Gus!" Annie sputters—only to hear ‘click’.

(Hmmm…international mug shot …. poodle strippers …. memories surface of a recent de-briefing.)

Oh, oh! I bet those poodle strippers are the same ones performing at the Come & Get It Kitty Club! They do put on quite a show--per Oreo! She was on a mission. There was a Great Dane, a harlequin I believe, named Lillian – she was elderly with a big plume in her fascinator that caught on everything as she walked around as the Cigarette Girl -- "Candy, Cigarettes?"

But actually, it was "Cigarettes, Candy, Condoms.” It was a cathouse, after all! Part of Oreo’s mission was to meet with a mole from Russia – Vladi~Cat, and it was his place of business. Lillian was a plant to gain Intel.)

Auntie Elaine’s eyebrows shoot up toward the ceiling, “McKeeghan, darlin'--this is your Mommy speaking! I'm sending the family chopper to pick you up at the airport in Brisvegas! Code Phrase: ‘Mommy is a Prude’!

Yes, Sweetheart, I know you were all excited about the big party, but Mommy knows best, baby. We'll go find a good Agility Event when you get back.”

(Ok Mums and Dads--my McKeeghan is a bit young for this event. What are you thinking? Are you going to bring in the German Shepherd Male Dancers too?! And Gordon, even though I can't see you at the moment--Get that cigar bone out of your mouth! Seriously folks?!)

Another Mum chimes in, “Oh no, now I'm getting worried! I didn't know OZ had a Wallabies Mafia issue?! Fiona Paisley just called. She and Bonnie tried to greet a large group of Wallabies that showed up to the party! Being young and naive, Bonnie and Fiona ran over to one of them and were handed carnations … and were told they had very limited time left!

Then Wilma Wallaby kicked Fiona, and Walter Wallaby punched Bonnie in the shoulder! The Wallabies said they were taking over the bash!.... WHERE THE HECK IS AUNTIE Veronica?!

Auntie Veronica, "Sorry--what? Music too loud!"

Hey, just heard from Oreo. Commander Raisin dropped her off and she repelled in to take a look around. She said it is wild and the Scotties are enjoying it all but no one is out of hand. The Ozzie Police showed up, but only to escort one of the Tea Cup French Poodle stripper's and one of the German shepherd male exotic dancers out. Apparently, they forgot where they were and were pretending the party was a re-enactment of Tailhook in Vegas.

The call got real staticky and all I could make out was shearing – razor – exotic. Then the line went dead. Commander Raisin was providing back up so hopefully he will check in soon with his handler.

Auntie Veronica, "Still can't hear you! Hey, you want some fries with that shake? Sorry guys, conga line starting around the pool. Follow me! Talk soon!”

"Da da da da da da, do the bunny hop, hop! hop! hop!”

As you said before, Annie, 'we couldn't make this stuff up even sitting at a bar stone drunk!’

Fiona called again crying – they have officially lost control. Apolo, Gerald, & Café are on the roof jumping off into an inflatable pool someone bought. Ivy & Jolie have become pool sharks and are taking everyone's $$ (including the Mafia's which can only end badly). And Blossom & Latte are being starred at by a couple of German Shepherds!

Auntie Elaine, where is the helicopter you sent? Can we get them all home?

OMG! Just heard from Sawney that someone set Desley’s sofa on fire!

Thankfully they were able to push it outside!

Auntie Veronica is dancing the Congo line around it, and Bonnie, Onie-P, Latte, and Jolie are roasting marshmallows over it!

Auntie Veronica, "Oops, sorry officer, what can I do for you?”

He responds, “Turn the music down, Ma’am. There's been a report of loud music and a party going on until all hours.”

“Really? Not here! I'm just sitting a few dogs for some friends – nothing to see here. We’re all just sitting here, watching the Hawthorn Hawks. No drama here, officer!"

Where oh where is Auntie Desley when we need her????

“Dang, who would have thought we'd ever be looking to Des to be the responsible one???”

Meanwhile Auntie Elaine goes into action, "When I got Andrea Cook's message, I radioed the chopper pilot and told him he would be doing a mass pick up of Scotties and associates--not just McKeeghan. The pilot said ‘impossible, he only had the one harness.’ I told him ‘not a problem--have the co-pilot break open the boxes of T-shirts we were going to deliver to the Zebra Zeprize Fundraiser. Take the T's and tie the bottom into a tight knot. Run cable thru both arms of the t-shirt and twist into a hook. Since we only have one cable, we'll hook the T's every two feet.”

“Ok everybody--we're going in hot – 30 seconds in/out!

Commander Raisin, get that Congo line going again. We'll drag the cable with the T's along-side the Congo line against the direction of movement!

Commander, have each Scottie shimmy into one of the T-shirts through the neck!

30 seconds in/out--make it happen, people ... because those T-shirts, they're screen printed with "Wallabies are Walruses"!"

One question.... what are we going to do with Auntie Veronica?

"Drat. Have the felines grab her at the last minute. Let her wash the chopper dishes."

Are there any other humans there? Did anybody warn Des about the Wallabies?

No, Auntie Desley is still on holiday with no Internet access. But I bet Oreo could get a message to her. Bonnie will have to stay with me until Des gets home.

While Desley is napping on the beach, a man in an overcoat comes along. “Yikes!” I thought , “I'm gonna be flashed! It's been a while…” But he said he was CIA. Oreo's underling. And what do I know about a disturbance back at my place? “What? There's no one at my place, except for the worker. No, no dogs or cats. Maybe that pesky bush turkey has taken advantage of Bonnie's absence? WHAT! Rampant wallabies? Pole dancing poodles? Is Bonnie OK? WHAT? She’s the ringleader...!?”

Sir Puss in Boots to the rescue! He had connections that allowed Agent O access to skirt the perimeter ~ Desley, it appears your place is fine – just a few skinny dippers in the pool. May want to change the water -- looks like the stripper poodles and those shepherds decided to get frisky.

Radio announcement -- “Brisbane airport was closed today due to the activities of a rogue helicopter. Instead of spraying the wetlands for mosquitoes like the city council had asked, the helicopter pilot slung a great chain of crochet out the door and collected a string of wayward cats and Scotties. While traffic on the freeway came to a halt because of rubber-neckers, a gang of walrus looking wallabies were seen chasing the "chain". Many drivers commented on hearing the Scotties cheekily yelling out "ya tails are too skinny!" "Can't get us now! Ha ha ha!!"

But then the shirts started to tear....

            To be continued

Individual literary contributions to the Adventure Stories remain the property of the contributor; however, the contributor gives permission to ASMDSG to use the literary contributions as they apply to the story as a whole. ASMDSG retains the copyright of the stories as whole compilations. Adventure Stories cannot be reproduced in electronic or hardcopy format without written permission from a majority of the Board of Directors. Photographers (ASMDSG Members past & present) retain the copyright of original photography; however, photographers give permission to ASMDSG to use photographic contributions to the stories as they apply to the whole story. Artists retain the copyright of original artwork; however, artists give permission to ASMDSG to use artistic contributions to the stories as they apply to the whole story.

Monday, February 19, 2018

The Wedding (The First Try) – Story #6

Story #6 – The Wedding (The First Try)

   Starring:  Scottish Terrier — Madge, Archie, Gordon, Onie-P (Fiona Paisley), Jolie, Gerard,  Bonnie, Latte, McKeeghan, Café, Jock, Gwyn, Apolo--In Loving Memory, Peanut, Whiskey.  Feline—Oreo, Raisin

Such an exciting time! The romance between Madge and Archie has blossomed into an actual lifelong commitment! So many plans to be made….so much ‘to do’ to do!

The more or less successful “Human To-Do’ers”:
Lenora -- Mother of the Bride
Paola -- Mother of the Groom
Pat -- Secretary to Gordon, Best Man
Luz – Advisor to the Flower Girl OIC
Nancy – Leader of the NeFarious Felines
Andrea -- Chief Bottle Washer
Ely -- Speech Writer Extraordinaire
PK -- PK Logistics
Veronica -- Travel Executive
Elaine – International Travel Coordinator
Jim & Mary-- Drivers of the RV (What RV?!)

The Wedding (The First Try)

Andrea (Annie) is exhausted! It's been 18 hours of travel but she's almost there: Beirut! The wedding is here! Just then the guy in the aisle seat moves his feet and kicks her in the shin… and the lady sitting in the window seat lets one go….

"Almost there, almost there", she mutters while holding her breath and wonders again how SHE ended up in economy and all the FurBabies are flying first class!?!?

Onie-P (aka Fiona) bounds down the aisle, jumping into Annie’s lap and smothering her face with kisses. "Momma, Momma, Iove you the very bestest" croons Onie-P. "I'm so excited to see all my friends! Do you think Auntie Paola will take us shopping? Of course she will! What am I thinking?! -- Auntie Paola loves shopping!"

Fiona then jumps off Annie’s lap and into the aisle to run back to her seat in First Class. "It's time to land, I have to put my seatbelt on!"

"Yeah, yeah,…you do that," mentally grumbles a less than enthusiastic Annie, "all this so I can wash the dishes - what the heck?"

The plane lands gracefully without a bump. The pilot thanks everyone for flying Scotty Airlines -- "Where All Scotties Fly First Class!"

The airplane door opens and Scotties rush down the ramp to mob Auntie Paola. McKeeghan
(aka The Textile Termite) tells Paola, "I just love your scarf! ...I must chew on it!" Paola laughs, crouches down, and delights in the Scotty Lovefest.

"Ok, babies--hop into the limousine--no Archie, you cannot drive and please let go of the limo driver's pant leg---McKeeghan, please do not chew on his uniform---and...whoever you are, his hat is not a toy!"

The Scotties settle down a bit except for jostling each other as they jump onto the window bench. "Windows Down! Windows Down!" they demand in a chant.

Paola looks around for Annie but doesn't see her. However, she does see…and hear...a small mountain of clinking water and food bowls, freshly washed, headed her way.


But it's not Annie. It's a grumpy woman who looks a lot like Annie.

"You’d be grumpy too after all this traveling and then having to wash all the bowls. The least you could do is get them into the trunk"! Clink, clank, ting! Annie heaves her ‘mountain’ into the limousine trunk.

"I'm sorry Paola," says a now much nicer Annie; "just give me a few minutes to stretch my legs…”

“Jolie, Gerald, Onie P--you are NOT riding in that limousine with your heads sticking out the sunroof!"

"Hey, any idea when the others are getting here" asks Annie. "Onie-P, Bonnie, and Latte are all best friends, you know. They can hardly wait to get together - I'm told they have huge plans!" she says as she rolls her eyes. "And uh, what about Elaine? I'm not sure why I have her Scotty if she's not here?"

Just then someone cries out, "Look at that hot air balloon -- it's coming down awfully fast! Are there people in it?"

Back on the plane, Elaine wakes up from her nap when the human passengers begin to disembark. Slightly fuzzy-headed, she grouses, "What is all this rude barking about?!" Then she sheepishly remembers 'disem-bark' means to leave the plane.

"Disembark!? McKeeghan! Where are you?" In a state of panic, Elaine starts high-stepping over the seats bypassing the people in the aisle to get to the door. Through one of the windows, she sees the Scotties climb into the limo. She calls out, fully in the throes of separation anxiety and knowing only the lure of a new scarf would get McKeeghan’s attention, "McKeeghan, McKeeghan---new scarf, Baby! Mommy has a new scarf!”

McKeeghan's ears perk up. She swats the limo driver's cap down over his eyes so that he slams on the brakes.

Meanwhile, Elaine has gained the door and -- through a series of Le Parkour moves involving the ramp rail, baggage cart, a few pieces of luggage scattered in various strategic locations, Elaine somersaults into the limo thru the sunroof, landing on the seat beside McKeeghan.

"Heeeyyyy Sweet Baby."

"Heeeyyyy Mommy. Where is the new scarf? I want to chew on it."

"Sorry, baby--I lost it on the triple gainer between suitcase 10 and 13. But Auntie Paola is going to take us shopping for some exquisite scarves and you can chew on them to your little heart's content. And we can get new scarves to wear to Madge's wedding! Won't that be fun?!"

As large as the limo is, furbabies and humans barely fit. The Scotties are so excited the driver can't concentrate. Paola whistles loudly! “Quiet everybody! If you're nice, we'll stop for ice-cream on the way to the hotel!”

Always efficient, Paola has prepared an itinerary:  sites to see, beaches for mums to relax on & Scotties to run free, and must-shopping places to go to. She hands the Mums the program for the week. Scotties lean over their shoulders to give their consent.

Everyone is excited, “Oh yes! Beautiful architecture! Gorgeous beach! Have sunscreen/will travel !” is the general cry.

But the balloon--the hot air balloon! Suddenly it stops its downward plunge at 50 feet from the ground. A rope slithers over the side and we see the lovely Café’ shimmy down to the tarmac.

She waves a little paw in an up-motion and yells, "Thanks guys! Gotta be a new record for HB Transatlantic!" The all-squirrel crew reposition the human cardboard silhouettes and adjusts the squirrel cage for ascent.

"Hi guys!"

Everyone starts to speak at once, so excited about the ice cream, events and shopping when all of a sudden Jolie's cell phone rings. She looks at caller ID and says, "Oh, it's my Daddy". "Hello? Hi Daddy, what? Oh no! Ok, yes, I'll tell her, I promise....bye Daddy". Jolie hangs up and begins to bawl.

“Auntie Paola,” Jolie sobs broken heartedly, “my daddy, Ely, and Uncle Jim are imebri…iebriat…they’re DRUNK! They were picked by the police!!!!!"

As everyone turns to console Jolie, Auntie Lenora's cell rings. "Hello, WHAT? Both
of you?! Yes, yes, I understand. Yes, we'll be right there!"

 "Well you're not going to believe this one....” Auntie Lenora turns to the others, “Auntie Des and Auntie Veronica have been detained by Immigration for smuggling in...."

(Collective sigh from the group in a ‘reality interlude’…”Again?!!” “Afraid so. Can't make this stuff up--even sitting drunk in a bar!” “Well, what can we say?” … Now back to the story.)

“……’it's only Vegemite!’ you may say, but we needs it!” whine Des and Veronica, “We thought it was safe, hidden in Jock's skirt but then he & Bonnie saw The Bay City Rollers!”

It’s their favorite band from Scotland! Bonnie squeals and jumps up to kiss the lead singer. Jock jumps to high-5 the drummer, both singing, “S A T U R D A Y night!”  when the vegemite rolls out of Jock's skirt and the immigration guards jump on the jar.

"Bomb," someone screams!

Unfortunately, in the midst of the lunging, one of the guards step on Jock's paw causing him to cry out—which in turn, causes Auntie Veronica to punch the guard for hurting her baby.

Meanwhile, Auntie Desley bends down to grab the vegemite when someone steps on her!

"Gerrof ya big bugger! An' gimme back me Vegemite..." (Translation for Australian impaired readers   "Get off of me, you big person and give me back my Vegemite.")

"Madam, this is clearly an explosive, just one smell would tell you that!" the ‘bugger’ (big guard) tries to explain.

Desley sniffs the jar, "No, it's fine! I put it on my toast every day!"

The guard finds this difficult to believe, "Were you raised by wolves?!"

"Nah, not me. Just mum & dad.

“Look, here's Veronica with some toast! D'ya (do you) wanna (want to) try some?"

The guard, in the interest of international diplomacy, tries a small piece of toast and then looks around for somewhere to hide the rest so he doesn't have to eat it.

(BUT, we've forgotten about our drunks down at the watch house!)

Meanwhile, Ely and Jim are at the police station explaining what had happened:  As they were leaving the hotel bar, Ely tripped and knocked over a waiter carrying a tray full of drinks. A customer with a T-shirt saying "Schnauzers are better” was soaked with tomato juice. Confusion set in as the police arrived.

At the police station the officer-on-duty seeing their passports, recognizes them. "You are from that group, Adventuring Scotties! I read your Opinionated Scotty blogs! I, too, am a fan of Scottish Terriers as well! Welcome to our city, you can go." Relieved, Ely and Jim hurry to leave to go after the ladies and the children.

“But what about my Vegemite?" demands Veronica. “I can't buy any here. I have to go back and get it. Wait for me.”

As the Mums and Scotties wait at the limousine, things are getting rather chaotic. Aunties Paola and Lenora are trying to get the Scotties inside to settle down and be quiet. Aunties Luz and PK are outside running around the limo trying to get the other Scotties back inside the limo. Aunties Annie and Des have withdrawn into fetal positions in a back corner of the limo.  And the driver is yelling back at Auntie Elaine to ask, “When are we leaving…?”

Meanwhile, the two dads have just exited the police department and are heading back to the Mums and Scotties when the policeman-on-duty comes running out the door after them. "Wait, wait, wait!" he cries. "I'm sorry but you both are going to have to return. My Commander wants to speak to you now."

Uncle Ely looks concerned and Uncle Jim rolls his eyes as they start to walk back inside.

The Officer walks both Dads up to the Commander and says, "Sir, you wanted to speak to these gentlemen?"

"Yes,” the Commander says, “But first, I need you to know - I love poodles. (the Dads gasp!) For the ruckus you’ve caused, you will have to spend the next 48 hours cleaning up our dog pound before you can be released."

"But, but, but", Uncle Jim sputters......

Back in the terminal, Auntie Veronica has stormed back up to the Immigration Officers. She demands, "I want my vegemite back right now!" and points to the jar still sitting on the table.

At that, a couple of officers start to laugh. They look at Auntie Veronica and ask, "You want that crap back?!"

By now you can see the steam coming out of Auntie Veronica's ears. She is furious!

Reaching out quickly, Veronica grabs the jar from the table, turns, and starts to walk away….when all of a sudden a siren goes off! Lights start flashing! Everyone dives for the floor!

Everyone but Veronica, that is.

Invincible now with Vegemite in hand, she strides out of Customs and into the waiting limousine.

The Scotties are excited as they see the interesting jar in Veronica’s hand. They've been waiting quite a while so it MUST be something good! They all lick their lips but are sorely disappointed once they see the label. "Yuk!" comes from each of the Scotties…except for Jock and Bonnie.

So at last the party sets off. The poor limo driver is disheveled. His hat has chew marks from the babies. Gus has decided to provide navigation assistance and directs from the driver's right shoulder. "Are you sure you know the way?" Gus asks.

Within a short time, Scotties and Humans arrive at the beautiful ocean-side resort reserved for them by Paola.

Seeing the lovely palm trees…the sand…the inviting water, Bonnie and Onie-p, who both have their togs (Australian slang for swimming costume) on under their clothes, yell "Last one in is a rotten egg!" as they race for the water.

Little Latte starts crying "I want to go play in the water, too!"

Mother of the Bride, Lenora is beside herself. With the wedding imminent, Madge has turned into ‘Bridezilla from Hell’ and Gordon wants a new pair of shoes to match his collar. "We have a Wedding Rehearsal in half an hour!" Lenora tries to remind the beach babies, now happily knee-deep in the water.

"Ooh! The water is cold on my tummy!" squeals Latte as she wades out to reach the others.

Gwyn is sitting on the beach with tears coming from her eyes. She really wants to join Bonnie, Onie-P, and little Latte, but she keeps looking back at her Mommy, Mary. “When will Daddy be here? I'm very worried about him. And Mom, what is "drunk"?

"Gwyn, you know Daddy enjoys a few beers when he’s watching his old hockey VCR tapes and you know sometimes when he reenacts his best plays, he stumbles and falls down---well, some rude people call that ‘drunk," Mary explains. “But don’t worry, Daddy didn’t bring any VCR tapes on this trip so he should be ok and be here soon.”

Meanwhile, the dads are diplomatically listening to the Police Commander raving about the (supposed) superior intelligence of poodles and trying very hard not to choke or roll their eyes. Luckily, there is another commander listening--Commander Raisin McCat, leader of the NeFarious Felines.

Commander Raisin has emailed Oreo, the CAT operative, for help. Oreo is hanging out at Beirut's Cute Kitty Club when he gets the message. Oreo calls all the cats together and shares with them his devilish plan. "The police want the dogs’ pens cleaned up -- so let's just let the dogs out!"

Back at the Police Station -- Ely and Jim are taken to the dog training complex to begin the cleaning work. They get changeable clothes, brooms, buckets with soap, and water.

There are several dogs in their kennels and, despite the Commander's preference for poodles; they also find German Shepherds and Rottweilers. The facility is great, but with lots of work to do, Ely and Jim begin to doubt they will be able to attend the wedding.

Next to the kennels there is a low building. Looking through the windows of this building, Ely sees tables and chairs -- a food court. He sees a man wearing cook clothes leave the building and light up a cigarette.

“Jim,” Ely whispers, “I think I've found a way to get out of here!”

Ely asks a police officer for a meeting with the Commander. The Commander receives them from behind his desk…he is making notes in a notebook. “Yeah, what do you want?”

Ely asks, “Sir, what do you feed your dogs?”

The Commander opens a smile and says, “With the best dogfood on the market!”

“I'm sorry, sir, but it's not the best way to feed. I think we can show you another way whose result in the end will mean stronger, healthy and more active dogs, better service rates. Your work will be more noticed, and maybe a promotion will come from there. Could I use your notebook?”

Saying nothing and with a curious face, the Commander slides the notebook across the desk toward Ely.

Ely sits down and, using his cell phone, begins to access and show the Commander sites describing the use of food rather than kibbles. Using the notebook, Ely, an IT professional, easily prepares a chart showing the longer longevity curve of dogs that use this type of food.

“Sir, you have a kitchen where you prepare meals for your policemen, why not also use it to prepare the food of your brave dogs?” Ely suggests.

The Commander invites Jim to sit and offers both Ely and Jim coffee and water. Taking back the notebook from Ely, the Commander asks more questions, makes additional notes, and is quite pleased with the feeding information he has been given.

“So, what brings you two gentlemen to our city?” asks the Commander of Ely and Jim.

“We came to attend a wedding,” they respond, “people are waiting for us.”

The Commander smiles and says, "We cannot let the bride and groom wait. Please, you are free to go.”

Without wasting a second, Ely and Jim get up and leave. They have to find the Mums and the children!

Later, the TV news around the world broadcast-ed an unusual occurrence. A brigade of cats had invaded the police training complex in Beirut, causing great confusion. Witnesses said they saw one cat carrying a flag with the words, "Poodles are Losers” emblazoned across it.

A taxi pulls up to the beautiful resort. Ely and Jim step out waving at the Mums and children.

Jim shouts, "Gwyn, Gwyn!" at which Gwyn runs as fast as she can, jumps into Jim’s arms and smothers him with kisses.

Ely, looking for his babies, shouts out a few times, "Apolo, Gerald, Jolie!"...finally up pops three little faces from the surf.

Gerald and Jolie shout back, "Hi,! Daddy" and Apolo lifts his paw and shouts, "Dude!"

Jim and Ely laugh -- so glad to be back with the family. Just then, Jim starts to shout, "Quick, get out of the water! Get OUT of the water, NOW!"

Ely also shouts, “Fin! Fin! Get out now!"

"Fin, Fin, Shark! Get out of the water!" yells Jim again.

All the Mums and Dads are in a panic, running in circles, and bumping into each other! (It looks  a bit like the Keystone Cops!) The babies are getting distressed as well. The little ones all have on their life vests making them look like handbags floating on the water -- they can't get enough water traction to get moving towards the shore!

Gus, Apolo and Café, all being the eldest, begin to take charge. They instruct the older children towards shore while they go grab ‘the floating handbags’. Things were just beginning to become organized when some man on the beach, thinking he was being funny, yells, "Squirrel Sharks!!!”

From that point forward, there is deafening silence…..and the world moves in slow motion.....

The story breaks here, Dear Reader, it's far too gruesome to describe what happens next.

The story picks back up.............At the airport we find everyone once again. All have been escorted in by Immigration, Customs and the Police. Everyone is being immediately deported with the exception of Paola, Archie, Whiskey, and Peanut.

Madge and Archie are heartbroken. Madge cries, "Where am I supposed to get married now, Mum?"

"It’s OK, sweetheart, everyone is going to come home with us to Virginia. You two will get married there," Lenora consoles a sobbing Madge.

“Yay!” everyone shouts enthusiastically!

Paola fist-pumps, "We’re all going too!"

Just then a Customs Officer steps forward and with compassion written all over his face, says to Lenora, "No ma'am, the next flight to Virginia isn't for three days. You folks have to all be out on the next flight!"

PK says, "Ok, where is the next flight to?"

The Customs Agent’s expression morphes into an eerie, creepy smile. “Greenland.”

Everyone shouts, “Greenland ?‑!"

So there it is, Scotty airlines bound for Greenland ‑ with all the children in first class, Mums and Dads in economy and Annie washing dishes in the galley....

Madge is toasting her chilly feet by the fire. Her new flips flops don't work so well in the snow. She'd thought Greenland would be, well, green. As in grass...

The group just hasn't been at its best since being stranded in Greenland. The only accommodations they could get were in an old Indian sweat lodge. The Mums and Dads have been bickering nonstop and the children occasionally go out and play in the snow only to return to the sweat lodge to get warm.

Madge and Archie are trying hard not to show their disappointment, they realize they also had a part in getting the group deported from Lebanon. If only that stranger hadn't yelled "squirrel" from the beach....

Just then, Auntie Veronica runs into the lodge very excited to let everyone know we just received our confirmations for the next flight out to Virginia -- which is going to leave in three hours!

"Yip Yip hooray!” everyone shouts!

They all start to gather up their stuff when Flash (Gordon) says, "Hey, but what about....?"

“Not now, Flash! Time to pack, this plane is costing me a fortune -- the food and champers are my treat. Now, move it!”

Andrea rolls her eyes seeing visions of "more washing up!"

But -- has everyone forgotten the last time Des tried to enter the USA?

As they board Scotty Airlines for the flight from Greenland, Des is remembering sewing mailbags, Paola’s escape, and how Elaine baked the cake. (See Story # 1.5 Courage-Paola for details.)

Individual literary contributions to the Adventure Stories remain the property of the contributor; however, the contributor gives permission to ASMDSG to use the literary contributions as they apply to the story as a whole. ASMDSG retains the copyright of the stories as whole compilations. Adventure Stories cannot be reproduced in electronic or hardcopy format without written permission from a majority of the Board of Directors. Photographers (ASMDSG Members past & present) retain the copyright of original photography; however, photographers give permission to ASMDSG to use photographic contributions to the stories as they apply to the whole story. Artists retain the copyright of original artwork; however, artists give permission to ASMDSG to use artistic contributions to the stories as they apply to the whole story.

Saturday, January 20, 2018

Courage, Paola -- Story #1.5

Story #1.5 -- Courage, Paola

Starring:  Scotty Mums. Scottish Terriers:  Bonnie, Madge, McKeeghan Colleen

With this story, we learn:
       The Work Ethics of several Scotty Mums.
       Lenora PM is truly a human.
       Anything can be accomplished with a little coordinating.

Courage, Paola

Andrea C
All right you people… I need to let you all know that I have a full-time job that they pay me to do which and does not include playing with all you people around the world that have been Adopted by Scotties. I am specifically talking about Lenora PM, Desley C, and Paola B. They just don't let me play with y’all all day! We just have to do better, better I say.

Elaine W
But they are delightful people to play with! I'm almost convinced Lenora is actually a very tall Scottie and not a human at all! (Those pictures of Madge are actually selfies!)

Desley C
Uh oh, her secret's out. I was suspicious when I saw the leopard shoes.

Lenora PM
Elaine, if only I could be as noble and good as our scots! And yes, sometimes I feel "not quite human"!

Lenora PM
Desley, Madge's guilty secret is a closet FULL of Leopard Shoes!

Desley C
Oh, I want to cry floods over all my lost shoes - some got chewed by "you know who" and others had to go - in the de-cluttering process! I'm just a bit jealous!

Lenora PM
Bonnie! She is a mess!

Desley C
….well the shoes were ...

Beth B
Hmmmm, guess I shouldn't tell anyone I have 55" tv in my office.

Beth B
Thank you and while all of that was going on, I had my dog in my lap, scratching his back of course, feet propped up on my desk, watching this all unfold on the big screen.

Andrea C
Well OK, as long as you had a Scotty in your lap

Andrea C
Now here's my next question...while Lenora PM and I had Desley C and Paola B entering the US on a raft, getting arrested and us "borrowing" their Scotties, where were the rest of you??? Huh, Marjorie H, Suzanne H, Pat P, Elaine W, Claudia B, Beth B and Luz LA? Y'all are hysterical in the evening. BTW: Beth, very proud of you for having that 55 inch TV in your office-you go girl!

Paola B
Missed that discussion, had to sleep, time difference.

Desley C
Did you miss being in jail? Ours were the best sewn mailbags and we were dancing to Jailhouse Rock!

Elaine W
Desley C Paola B--so sorry to hear of the predicament that Andrea C and Lenora PM had placed you in. Now that I have had my own beauty sleep, I shall dispatch, post haste, a call for Digger Scotties to assemble for a frontal assault upon the place of incarceration, a secondary call for Scottie Shredders and Pants Leg Grabbers to subdue the staff, and the final call for Scottie Toy Hoarders to whisk you both away. Be sure to use the New Toy Scent spray you'll find in the cake I am sending.
PS: Whatever you do—DO NOT eat the cake! I made it and I am NOT a good cook!

Suzanne H
Sorry I missed all this. As soon as I get to my office and settle in with a cup of coffee, I'll catch up on all the activity. Shouldn't take more than a few hours... then it will be time for lunch!

Desley C
Oh thank goodness, Elaine! I was starting to get a pricked finger from all those bags! There's only me to rescue. I sewed Paola in last night's outgoing mail - heaven knows where she'll turn up. But it was Premium delivery so it'll be somewhere posh. Unfortunately the cake was a bit soggy as the scent leaked but DO NOT WORRY it was put to good use. It is now - as we speak/write/tap wi' our fingies- being ingested by the guards. They declared it finger licking good (where have I heard that line?) and snatched it out of my bleeding mitts but ah ha! A cunning plan was hatched! The icing gummed up their works so the Pants Leg Grabbers should have an easier time of it and if the Scotty Shredders can get to the rolls in time .. success shall be ours! Voila! Hoping the Digger Scotties have dug a big enough hole and weren't distracted by visions of Madge in her leopard shoes. I'm so glad that SOMEONE organized a rescue party - that Bonnie of mine has been star struck by meeting Goofy at Disneyland and is like a round bouncing ball from all the hotdogs she's devoured.

Elaine W
Fantastic play-by-play, Desley! We should be getting movie offers any minute now!

Paola B
Don't worry about your cooking, Elaine! In jail, everything works! Send it, please getting hungry!

Elaine W
Paola, my apologies for the delay in response....McKeeghan, Ninja Scottie, has discovered a rogue cat intercepted the package Desley C had sewn you into. McKeeghan has gone undercover into the Cat Market to try to locate you. She is checking all the Catamarans first based on a cryptic message about a raft. MC (McKeeghan Colleen) carries a stash of kibble to slip to you once she gets in. Courage, Paola.

Courage, Paola

Individual literary contributions to the Adventure Stories remain the property of the contributor; however, the contributor gives permission to ASMDSG to use the literary contributions as they apply to the story as a whole. ASMDSG retains the copyright of the stories as whole compilations. Adventure Stories cannot be reproduced in electronic or hardcopy format without written permission from a majority of the Board of Directors. Photographers (ASMDSG Members past & present) retain the copyright of original photography; however, photographers give permission to ASMDSG to use photographic contributions to the stories as they apply to the whole story. Artists retain the copyright of original artwork; however, artists give permission to ASMDSG to use artistic contributions to the stories as they apply to the whole story.

Monday, December 25, 2017

Merry Christmas everyone, hope Santa delivers lots of toys and yummy treats.
Cheers Reindeers!

Auntie Ronnie and Jock 🎄🎅🏻🤶🏻💋🎁

Friday, December 22, 2017

Merry Christmas from All of Us

Merry Christmas from All of Us

The Scotties find the old house to be a delight! The legend of the house built by Santa Claus, before he moved to the North Pole, is true! Not only are the chimneys magical, but each inside door opens both into a room and into a different location on the globe! The gathering of all the Mums and Dads as well as the Adventuring Scotties, Nefarious Felines, and Associates is as simple as walking through a door!  And what fun to have all the Mums and Dads together for Christmas!

As the decorating process begins, Scotties follow their time-honored tradition of questioning the installation of a tree inside a house. Question the necessity of boxes containing lights, ornaments, and garland sitting in the middle of the floor—interfering with zoomie-runs. Question whether or not the other corner of the room would be a better location for the tree.

The Felines can barely contain themselves at the thought of an organic scratching post being installed in the house.

Scotty males, now having moved forward to acceptance, begin discussing which among them would the first to wee on the new ‘message board’ (tree). Female Scotties disgustedly state the area rugs are still the best choice, by far, for the occasional emergency indoor wee.

The tree is now beautifully decorated and banisters are wrapped with fragrant boughs of greenery. Presents for in the morning are tucked carefully under the tree. Stockings for the furred, feathered, and feline are hung—wherever there is a spot.

Tears flow as the final three stockings, for the fur babies who have passed on, are hung on the upstairs window. There are gasps of amazement as the three red stockings each turn to a rich golden color and sprout little wings! Outside the window, snow begins to fall.

Back downstairs, there are cookies and eggnog as everyone relaxes and visits with each other. “Wonder if we made the ‘Nice’ list this year?” the humans joke.

Suddenly everyone bursts into laughter! Even the Scotties and all are laughing and pointing at each other! Above every head is either a halo or a cluster of coal! After all, the house was built by Santa!

“Looks like some of us have some confessing to do.” Some quiet reflection time ensues and soon the coal clusters morph into halos…all but one very little one.

“Okay, time for bed!” Everyone sorts themselves out to the various bedrooms, sofas, armchairs, nite-nite beds, and pillows. Soon the collective snoring creates a gentle white-noise similar to the sound of falling snow.

Bump. Bump-bump. Thump. Santa? No. It is a little fur baby coming down the staircase—too impatient to wait till morning to open her gift. Under the cover of the snoring, no one hears the tearing of the paper or the ripping of the box. “Ahhchruuu!” she trills delightedly before clapping her little paw over her mouth!

“Merry Christmas, everyone!” she whispers as she gently picks up her treasure. A halo now glows over her little head as she carefully carries upstairs the last piece to finish her tiny Nativity set—a tiny little manger with the precious Holy Baby.

Merry Christmas from All of Us!


Madge's Bachelorettepup Party – Story #9 Part 1 of 3 Parts

Story #9 Part 1– Madge's Bachelorettepup Party Starring:   Scottish Terrier—Bonnie, Gordon, Archie, Madge, Onie-P (Fiona Paisley...