Tuesday, July 24, 2018

You Are On Restriction! -- Story #8

Story #8 – You Are On Restriction!

   Starring:  Scottish Terrier—Angus, Sawney, Onie-P (Fiona Paisley). Westie—Molly.

Each of the fur-folks are home from their wild adventurous party…exhilarated and laughing at how things turned out…now that they’re safe again. However, in at least one household, there are repercussions.

You Are On Restriction!

Our tale begins on a Thursday evening in a small town in Central Texas. Three Scottish Terriers and one Westie are receiving a very stern talking-to by their momma Annie.

Heads are down and ears back.

"Angus McGregor, Molly McGee, Sawney McCracken, Fiona Paisley—I’m very disappointed in every one of you for your parts in the party at Aunt Desley’s house!

“The first thing’s going to happen is that each of you are going to hand over to me your passports!

“The second thing is that each of you are going to turn over all cell phones, tablets, and computers!

“The third, there will be no carrots OR squirrel chasing for 3 days!

“And fourth, you will write a letter of thanks to Aunt Elaine for safely getting you home, AND a letter of apology to Aunt Des for messing up her house!

“Do I make myself clear?”

“Yes, Momma," they each say very meekly.

"Furthermore, there will be NO contact with the Adventuring Scotties and Associates family for 2 weeks," Annie says firmly with hands on hips.

Each furry heads drops a little lower....

"Letters in the morning. Now each of you, get to bed!"

The next morning, the foursome team up to compose suitable letters.

Dear Aunt Elaine,

Thank you very much for giving us a ride in that big helicopter. It was really cool how the pilot pulled us all out of there using those t-shirts!

We really hope we can do it again sometime--helicopter and all. It's just that, next time, we don't want to be in trouble.


Gus, Molly, Sawney, & Onie-P

“Ok guys, the easy letter’s done! This next one -- we’re going to have to work really hard to apologize…get that whole meek-ear tone going and everything. Especially considering WE didn’t really do anything wrong…” says Onie-P, acting as spokesperson for the team.

Dearest Aunt Des,

We wanted to write and say we're very sorry about the house.

Due to the sudden extraction plan, there was no time to clean up.

We know we did make a bit of a mess, but we had nothing to do with your lovely sofa catching fire…other than we did roast a few marshmallows on it.

Please forgive us. We will help pay for our small part of the damages.


Gus, Molly, Sawney, and Onie-P

A few days later, a reply came back from Aunt Elaine.

Darling Babies,

You are so welcome for the rescue! I'm just glad your Mom got in touch with me in time to convey the last-minute change of plans to the pilot!

And watching from the helio landing-cam, every one of you looked like little gymnasts as you dove into the t-shirts! Good job!

But in the future, always be careful at big parties like that – the host usually only wants a great party but sometimes things can get out of hand…errr, paw.


Aunt Elaine

There’s no response from Aunt Des -- unless it was the still smoldering empty envelope with the barely discernable address to Gus, Molly, Sawney & Onie-P.

“Ooohhhh, that doesn’t look good! Guess she’s pretty mad at us.”

After the first week of Restriction, the pups are getting restless.

6:15 am. Onie-P nuzzles her sleeping mother’s face. "Wake up, Momma, wake uppppp! We all need to go potttttttty—now! Please wake up”....lick, lick, lick.

With eyes barely open, Annie gets up and lets Onie-P, Gus, Molly, and Sawney out the back door--leaving it slightly ajar so the pups can come and go. Yawning, she goes back to bed.

7:30 am. Lick, lick, lick. “Momma, we're hungry. May we have breakfast now?"

Annie gets up again. Moving on auto-pilot, she heads to the kitchen, feeds the pups, and virtually sleep-walks back to bed. But, just before leaving the kitchen, she thinks she hears the sound of a camera swiveling as it tracks movement. She looks around but sees nothing. “Strange,” she thinks as she goes back to bed, “Could’a sworn I heard something.” Out loud she says, “Two more hours, babies. Momma needs another two hours sleep.”

Lightly cat napping thru the sounds of bowls scooting across the floor as the pups finish their morning kibble, Annie now feels the pups joining her in the bed again—coming up the little doggy stairs—stepping on and over her as they each find their favorite comfy spot.

During the next hour or so, she hears mumbling but thinks the pups are just talking low among themselves, not wanting to wake her up. "How sweet!" she thinks dreamily.

All of sudden, Annie is startled wide awake from a deep sleep when she realizes she is curled up into a tight ball and lying in the only space left available on the uppermost right top side of the bed!

"What the heck?" she exclaims as she sits up. Looking around on the bed, Annie sees there are a LARGE number of Scotties in bed with her! Bonnie, McKeeghan, Latte, Madge, Gus, Sawney, Onie-P, and others!

“What in the world?" Annie cries.

Just then, Annie hears the sound of a chopper overhead and next, a loud crash comes from the backyard. She leaps off the corner of the bed and runs outside. A multitude of Scotties jump from the bed and follow.

Annie scans the backyard quickly and sees the tops of three ladders leaned onto her back fence—with Scotties roiling over the top of the fence and lightly jumping down to the thick grass.

Through the three-inch gap at the bottom of the fence, Annie sees a fourth ladder lying prone on the ground. It was this ladder that caused the loud crash when it had fallen.

“All good, mum! No one’s hurt!” she hears as a stout, handsome black Scotty rushes by her.

And the chopper she heard from the bedroom was now overhead and lowering even more Scotties into the yard! And, as if things weren’t strange enough, not to be left out, there were a bunch of  Angel Scotties doing air-zoomies up above the chopper!

Felines Oreo and Cmdr Raisin, having leapt from the helicopter, deigning to use the slide-cable, are now reclining along the roof line. And Molly, the Westie, is sitting comfy on the deck chair observing the Scotty Invasion of her yard.

Then one of the Scotties hollers, “Aunt Annie!!!”

As if those two words were a signal, all of pups jump on Aunt Annie in a mob-fest!

Lick, lick, lick. Lick, lick, lick.    Scotty Flash mob!    Lick, lick, lick, Lick, lick, lick. Lick, lick, lick!  Lick, lick, lick. Lick, lick! Lick, lick, lick. Lick, lick. Lick, lick, lick. Lick, lick!

Annie finally comes up for air, saying, “Jock, Gus, Gordon, McKeeghan, Gerald, Apollo--sit down! Jolie, Cafe, Archie, Whiskey—sit down! All of you, sit! Now stay!”

After she's able to get everyone somewhat calmed down and settled. Annie asks in a bewildered voice, "What is going on? Why are all of you here? My pups are on restriction!”

Jolie, with a big Scotty grin, says, "Yeah, we heard they couldn't leave the house to come to us…BUT… you NEVER said WE couldn’t come to them!"

All the fur-folks arrooo’d, yipped, and meowed in happy agreement!

Exhausted, Annie sits down and shakes her head in disbelief….when the doorbell rings.

Mums / Dads everywhere…..do you know where your Scotties are?

Individual literary contributions to the Adventure Stories remain the property of the contributor; however, the contributor gives permission to ASMDSG to use the literary contributions as they apply to the story as a whole. ASMDSG retains the copyright of the stories as whole compilations. Adventure Stories cannot be reproduced in electronic or hardcopy format without written permission from a majority of the Board of Directors. Photographers (ASMDSG Members past & present) retain the copyright of original photography; however, photographers give permission to ASMDSG to use photographic contributions to the stories as they apply to the whole story. Artists retain the copyright of original artwork; however, artists give permission to ASMDSG to use artistic contributions to the stories as they apply to the whole story.


  1. Oh my, I’d forgotten that story. Thanks for posting it.


Madge's Bachelorettepup Party – Story #9 Part 1 of 3 Parts

Story #9 Part 1– Madge's Bachelorettepup Party Starring:   Scottish Terrier—Bonnie, Gordon, Archie, Madge, Onie-P (Fiona Paisley...