Wednesday, August 29, 2018

Madge's Bachelorettepup Party – Story #9 Part 1 of 3 Parts

Story #9 Part 1– Madge's Bachelorettepup Party

Starring:  Scottish Terrier—Bonnie, Gordon, Archie, Madge, Onie-P (Fiona Paisley), O’Brian. Kelti,  Sawney.  Westie—Molly. Feline—Oreo, Raisin, Captain.

We have a Wedding in the future of the Adventuring Scotties! However, before the wedding, the babies have gone three different directions for the last ‘hurrahs’….and things are not going well.

Madge's Bachelorettepup Party    Part 1 of a Story in 3 Parts

Part 1) Madge's Bachelorettepup Party

It had been a glorious—but busy—three days with the Scotties & Associates visiting her canine crew while they were on Restriction for a prior adventure.

This third morning, Annie was quite proud of herself for having gotten the myriad of food bowls washed up as well as the water bowls cleaned and refilled with fresh water….and made it to work on time.

Now, this evening, Annie is distraught as she paces her bowless kitchen floor. The Scotties and Associates left today as planned—but her pups are missing!

She lists off what she knows, “No success tracking down Gus, Molly, and Sawney over the past few hours—they’re usually pretty easy to find! They were right here this afternoon when I was here during lunch.

“They were planning something! I just knew it! But I thought those extra snuggles with me were just because they had me to themselves again! I should’ve paid more attention to those side glances they were passing back and forth!

“Then I come home to this note from Sawney informing me Gus is on his way to Aunt Pat’s house! “ ( It seems O'Brian has been planning a little bachelorpup party for Archie. )

“The gentlemen ( ha! ) Scotties will be joining O'Brian and Gus there while the lady Scotties will meet somewhere else … but where? I just haven't been able to figure out where that ‘somewhere else’ is! And neither Mollie nor Sawney will call me back!”

Annie stops pacing; struck by a sudden thought…she rushes into the bedroom to look in the top drawer of the chest-of-drawers. Yep, gone, all the tablets and cell phones are gone from where she had stored them on Day One of Restriction.

“And neither Mollie nor Sawney will call me back…” Annie repeats in a plaintive tone. The she mutters to herself, “Aunt Pat, I sure hope you haven't made any plans for the next few days.”

Just then, Rrrrrrrriiiiiiiinnnnngggg, Rrrrrrrrriiiiiiiiinnnnnnngggggg!

Annie snatches up her cell phone from the kitchen table. She doesn’t recognize the number but takes the call anyway.

“Hello? Yes, this is she…

“You’re Animal Control Officer who?? From WHERE?

“Yes, I'm calm. No, only Sawney McCracken and Molly McGee are mine....

“Yes, I know how to get hold of the other parents…

“Yes sir, I and the others will be there first thing in the morning.

“Yes, thank you!”

Annie gets off the phone, stunned at first but then her brain kicks into high gear.

Group text to Scotty & Associates Mums / Dads:

I hate to be the one to tell you folks…but other than the little ones still in Australia with Aunt Des and the boys being with Aunt Pat, all of our girl Scotties are currently in Detroit…in the hood…where they’ve been picked up by Animal Control for prostitution!

From what the Detroit Animal Control Officer told me…they're all hysterical and crying:  Madge specifically.

And from what I've gathered, just prior to them getting picked up for being street-walkers, Madge had decided to visit Toto's Tiny Tattoo Shop where she got a big heart tattoo on her bum that says, "I want me some Archie-man. He's my Hunka Hunka Luv!"

The tattoo is hurting and may be infected…I need some help here Mums & Dads – who’s meeting me in Detroit?

Just after Annie gets the Group Text out, she finally gets a call from an agitated Molly. Annie immediately asks Molly if what the Animal Control Officer said about Madge was true. Molly says, ‘yes and that Madge is also very fearful her Mum will be very upset with her’.

Molly, worried, says, “Momma, Madge isn’t acting like herself and she keeps saying something about catnip being slipped to her at the last bar we all went into! What do we do, Momma?”

Annie, “Momma’s working on it, baby. Stay together!”

Thumbs flying over the miniature phone keyboard, Annie sends out another Group Text updating the group with the information given to her by Molly, adding:

Folks, I hate to point fingers but there's only one set of fur-babies traveling with our Scotties that have catnip….Aunt Nancy Jo, anything you can share with us here?

And since you Mums and Dads seem to be in denial—“Not my Scottie!” and I haven't heard anything back about meeting me in Detroit to bail out our street-walking girl Scotties, I’ll text Paula and Luz to meet me there—I sure hope one of you knows first aid since Madge has that new, and evidently infected, tattoo on her bum!

In the meantime, Nancy Jo and Elaine, you two see if the CAT Operatives can find the location of Archie’s Bachelorpup Party! The last thing Gus mentioned to me was that he was pretty excited about the Rat Rodeo they were going to attend, the Skydiving, and the Squirrel Round-Up.

I sure hope you two have good enough intel to figure out where they are! -- Whenever the boys go dark and stay on silent radio frequencies, it can never be good. Please advise ASAP!

And of course our littlest girls off on the holiday with Des and her rellies eating crabs on the beach. I sure hope they're being good for her…

Hold on everyone, Fiona Paisley is trying to FaceTime me…

Annie takes the FaceTime call and coos to her baby-girl in a sweet, syrupy voice:

"Hi Onie- P, are you being a good little girlfriend for Aunt Des? Oh, that's good to hear, sweetie! And have you been giving good kisses and being a good girl for everyone else? Oh, good! That’s my good little girl!

“What, darling? You need to ask me a question? What is it, sweetie?

Annie's voice loses some of its syrup...

“What?!…No, Onie-P, you cannot go to the beach naked! You have to wear your bikini!

“I don't care if Aunt Des and Bonnie told you it would be ok!

“I’ll talk to them and let them know that my little fur-girls HAVE to wear their bikinis!

“Ok? Ok! Now go have some fun! See you soon! Love you! Wear your bikini!"

Continued in Story #9 Part 2 of 3 Parts

Individual literary contributions to the Adventure Stories remain the property of the contributor; however, the contributor gives permission to ASMDSG to use the literary contributions as they apply to the story as a whole. ASMDSG retains the copyright of the stories as whole compilations. Adventure Stories cannot be reproduced in electronic or hardcopy format without written permission from a majority of the Board of Directors. Photographers (ASMDSG Members past & present) retain the copyright of original photography; however, photographers give permission to ASMDSG to use photographic contributions to the stories as they apply to the whole story. Artists retain the copyright of original artwork; however, artists give permission to ASMDSG to use artistic contributions to the stories as they apply to the whole story.

Madge's Bachelorettepup Party – Story #9 Part 1 of 3 Parts

Story #9 Part 1– Madge's Bachelorettepup Party Starring:   Scottish Terrier—Bonnie, Gordon, Archie, Madge, Onie-P (Fiona Paisley...